School Information
Fields with * are required.
School Details
Note: Please make sure that the email address is not the same as the Program Account email address which handles the program information and accreditation process.
If you did not receive the OTP, please click Resend OTP.
Please input your official website address.
Example: 0212345678
Click here to add/edit another contact information.
Example: 0212345678
School Head
Example: 09XXXXXXXXX
Example: 0212345678
Example: 0212345678
Quality Assurance Officer
Please input a valid and active email address.
Example: 09XXXXXXXXX
Example: 0212345678
Example: 0212345678
Application Requirements
Fields with * are required.
All documents listed below are required to be submitted to PAASCU for Application Evaluation.
The following required documents should be placed in a Google Drive or One Drive Folder.
Provide the link to the file that allows access to the requirement.
Provide the link to the file that allows access to the requirement.
Provide the link to the file that allows access to the requirement.
Provide the link to the file that allows access to the requirement.
Provide the link to the file that allows access to the requirement.